Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Front Cover Analysed 3

Front Cover...

Today I focused on my third front cover analysis which was yet 
again another Billboard one but this time Beyonce edition. 
Main Image- Right in the centre of the magazine and takes up around 60% of the magazine and also is across the title of the magazine to enhance the important of Beyonce and show she is a well known women. Its a medium shot of her to show off her full figure and also show that it's about her being an icon and showing off her great talents. When creating my magazine I will more sure my main image dominates the magazine and is centered.
Hair/Make-up/Costume- Her hair is perfect and out of her face to suggest she is a natural beauty and doesn't need to hide behind it. It matches with her make up as her complexion is flawless as the target audience will idolize her and this image conveys the ideologies of the perfect women and the majority of women reading this type of magazine will idolize to look like her. Her dress is well fitted to enhance her shape and that she isn't stick thin and showing off the average curvy women she shows a good message for women and the white of the dress enhances to purity of her and how natural she is. When creating my magazine I will make sure I create an idealistic women for the target audience to read as they don't want to feel threatened or angry at the main artist they want to feel inspired by them. The image needs to set off a message towards the audience.
Positioning/Facial Expression- Allows a very dominant image towards women her arms on her waist suggests she is a dominant powerful women in the music industry and is independent and capable of making it on her own. Her general stance shows her as powerful and superior, creating a positive image for women and therefore more women will buy it as it's creating a good message. Her facial expression is serious and is looking at the camera with a slight tilt in her head to enhance superiority and that she wants to be taken seriously by the music industry. It matches with the sub headline "our woman of the year" as she is shown as a very dominant independent strong willed women.  Therefore, when I create my magazine I will consider these two factors as they are important when creating ideologies towards specific genders. 

Colour- Its tried to stick to around 3 colours; white, blue and a black/grey. They all work in contrast to show the word Beyonce stand out. It's a mixture of two colours white and blue to suggest her change in time and how she has become to women she is today. The connotation of the colour white suggests she is pure and clear. The colours help set a natural image towards the audience. Colours are key when creating a magazine therefore I will stick to a certain amount and think about the connotations behind them. 
Font- All in sans serif style t create a modern look and suggest this is aimed at slightly younger people and also possibly middle class. The font is easy to read and clear, the majority of it is in capitals to show it as clear and important. My font will be in sans serif as I want to create a modern look that is eye catching to young adults.
Language- The most important feature when it comes to relating to a target audience it needs to be specific and something that, the specific age group would want to read. Therefore within this magazine it mentions "Lady Gaga" and "Paramore" which are other bands and artist that are aimed at the younger market and therefore are relatable to this magazine issue. When creating my magazine I will use words associated to my specific target audience as it will interest them the most and they will be more likely to buy it.

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