Thursday, 21 February 2013

Double Page Spread Analysed 4

Double Page Spread...

I have looked at many double page spreads but this one has to be my favorite, I love the layout the colours the title just everything works. Its from Q magazine but has been made to fit and suit Jake Bugg fans. The only downfall to this double page spread is the fact its not an interview layout but apart from that this is the main style model I would like to use when creating my magazine. Q have done something a bit different when it comes to this specific article, as the one I am analysing after this is more associated with the Q house style but for some reason this one is different and its different in a good way! 
Layout- Set out using the typical conventions of a magazine article, the image is on the left and spans the centre line whilst the text is on the right. By looking at the layout you get the impression that the magazine want to focus more on the artist himself rather than the text as there is very little text when you actually study it. This is the type of look I will try and achieve when I create my double page spread as I want them to be focused on the artist rather than loads of text.   The title of the magazine is huge and takes up around half of one page, this suggests that, this artist is big or gong to be and that they are prepared to focus more on him rather than the text. The title engages the audience in. It is then followed by a sub heading which gives the audience a bit of extra information on what the article will be about. This is a common feature used in basically every magazine, I will definitely be using this when it comes to creating my magazine. 
Style- Personally, the style of this double page spread is great I love the look that Q use. They try and match the style of the spread to the artist. It is from the Q magazine but it doesn't follow the usual red connotations that we associate Q with. Instead, it focuses more on the artist and creates an old yet modern look. The colours play a key part within this double page spread however I will talk about them later. They do add to the style of the double page spread as they create a new original look this is to match with Jake Bugg as his a new and different artist. When creating my magazine I want to have a personal style that helps portray the type of artist I'm creating as well as engaging the audience. 
Images- Only one image within this spread but it spans the centre line and goes over one page, this is a common feature that magazines do, in this case the guitar cuts across the centre line, this is to show Jake Bugg in full performance it highlights how different he is from others. It shows him in performance and in an action show, this is to engage the target audience as they will be established Jake Bugg fans and therefore enjoy going to see him live and it shows that the target audience is probably more younger people as they enjoy going to concerts and getting up and personal with the artists. Within the image Jake is not looking at the camera and it looks as if he is focused on his music and concert which just shows the type of fans he has, it further implies that the article will not be about personal questions but more of an over view of maybe his singing career or what is coming up next for him. Due to it being a mid shot it shows that its more about performance and music rather than personality and the gossip. 
Colours- Key within this article as it's the first thing you notice when you look over. It's stuck with a black and white theme throughout and then uses the red to stick out. The black and white add quite a classic look to it and show it as quite old fashioned, especially the image however the red is uses to add something different to it and make it stand out suggesting that the artist is old but new its create an unusual image for the reader but makes them want to read on. It's a very original colour theme and shows that Q have thought about Jake Buggs music and what he stands for. It's a new and different look for the magazine which suggests Jake is new and different.I really like the colour idea for this double page spread, I am unsure if I will use, I need to think more about what type of image I want to be shown as my artist make this one is a big old fashioned for my artist. 
Article- The title of the article instantly engages the audience the use of alliteration of "likely lad" is catchy and gets you to read on. I think I will use a phrase of some sort when it comes to creating my magazine as its important to get the readers attention. The article is an overview of Jake Bugg you can tell that its not an up close and personal article and that it's more of a quick catch up on his life and how he got to where he is today. The relationship between the magazine and the audience isn't that personal. I hope to maybe be a bit more engaging when creating my magazine as I feel my magazine will reach the reader on a more personal note. 

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